Mr. Timothy Simmons
Chief School Lead/Principal
100 Linden Avenue Irvington, NJ 07111
100 Linden Ave.,Irvington NJ, 07111
Mr. Timothy Simmons
Chief School Lead/Principal

Parent University


Parent University is a collaboration of resources to help parents become full partners in their children’s education. It is an initiative designed to inform and involve families of students in the city’s schools. Parent University offers parents and other family members a variety of meaningful classes and workshops that will add to their existing skills and give them opportunities for continued growth and development.

Summer Reading Imperative

Summer Enrichment Program

NJSLA 2022

NJSLA Parent Information Night

SEL Summit

Burch Charter School Annual Title I

Summer Enrichment Program 2021 

National Poetry Month

NJSLA Preparation 

Family Math and Literacy Night 

Distance Learning Course 

Cyberbullying and Accountable Talk

Parents Guide to Google Classroom


Standards Based Report Cards

11/17/20 CLICK HERE

11/16/21 CLICK HERE