Burch Charter School of Excellence has developed numerous policies to insure that our day-to-day operations are efficient and effective. Our Policy Manual is a resource used by teachers, administration staff and parents. The Policy Manual covers the following areas:
Community Relations
Business Non-Instructional
Instructional and Support Personnel
Visit the District Policies page to see the policy manual.
View our Gifted and Talented policy.
View our Gifted and Talented Recommendation Criteria.
View our 2021-2022 Student Handbook.
HIB Self-Assessment Score
The State required that all Districts, through their School Safety Teams, evaluate the implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR) using a Self-Assessment. The Self-Assessment covered eight core elements which addressed all of the ABR requirements for schools. The School Safety Teams were to assign a rating for each indicator based on the criteria and available documentation.
Under the Commissioner’s Program, the school grade is a raw score of data and the sum of the ratings for all indicators within each core element on the School Self-Assessment. A minimum score of 50 is required in order to meet all necessary requirements and the maximum score a school can receive is 78. The District’s grade is an average of the total scores of all schools in the school district.
Burch’s HIB Self-Assessment Grade = 70/ 78 = 90%
Mrs. Jennifer Stein
Anti-Bullying Coordinator
District Affirmative Action Officer
973-373-3223 ext. 230
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Ms. Jessica Prawetz
Anti-Bullying Specialist
School Affirmative Action Officer
973-373-3223 ext. 213
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