Mr. Timothy Simmons
Chief School Lead/Principal
100 Linden Avenue Irvington, NJ 07111
100 Linden Ave.,Irvington NJ, 07111
Mr. Timothy Simmons
Chief School Lead/Principal

For Parents

The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) are statewide assessmentsthat assess students’ progress toward the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in ELA, mathematics and science. Each assessment will be administered in either computer-based (CBT) or paper-based (PBT) format.

English language arts (ELA) assessments will focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. Mathematics assessments will focus on applying skills and concepts and understanding multi-step problems that require abstract reasoning and modeling real-world problems, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools. Science assessments will focus on students’ understanding and explanation of scientific phenomena and scenarios. It comprises two parts—the performance-based assessment (PBA) and the machine scorable assessment (MSA). Students will demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge by answering selectedresponse items and technology-enhanced questions.

Each assessment is comprised of multiple units. One of the mathematics units is split into two sections: a non-calculator section and a calculator section (grades 6, 7 and high school only). 

For the NJSLA, you will use a test administration portal called PearsonAccessnext (PAN). With PAN, you can perform all your test administration duties, from ordering materials and submitting student data to assigning tests and viewing student results.

Parent/Student Resources

o    NJSLA Website

o    Parent Resources

o    Sample Test Items

o    Tutorials

o    Practice Tests

o    NJSLA Accessibility (Accessibility Features and Accommodations, Tools for Student Practice, Informational Brochures)

o    NJDOE NJSLA Website